Personal Project




Live Performance
Digital Art
Art Direction
Sound Design


Vvvv Gamma

From the research conducted on architectures belonging to very different and distant cultures, I looked for common elements that, for functional or purely aesthetic reasons, have been repeated over time. These elements are placed at the basis of the procedure that generates changing architectural patterns, exploring, over time, different combinations of these characteristics.
The result is a performative tool that can be controlled in real time, enabling the construction of this evolving architecture and its sonic counterpart. The instrument reveals strange structures, belonging at the same time to both an very ancient period and to a distant future, as ruins of what we remember to be architecture. At the same time these do not even seem to belong to our world, as they lack the physical and structural necessities of a building, but free to take on impossible configurations. The instrument elaborates these structures that, evolving over time, respond to a strong correlation with sound.

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